
020 3923 6680


020 3923 6680


020 3923 6680

Full-time Remote Staff

Hire the best digital and tech staff South Africa has to offer as remote, full-time staff. Your company can take them on directly. It's easier than hiring locally and it's far less risky!

How does it all work though?

It's simple. It's easy. In fact, it's easier than hiring locally.

We follow a streamlined and intuitive process:

1.) Identification: Determine what you need to solve the resource problem in your business. Define the skill set that aligns with your objectives and let us know what it is.

2.) Connection: We then connect you with a curated selection of South African professionals who match your requirements. These candidates are vetted for their skills, experience, and compatibility with your company's culture.

3.) Terms: Instead of traditional employment, the individual will be engaged as a full-time contractor. We can provide a UK contractor's agreement specifically designed for this arrangement, ensuring compliance and clarity for both parties.

4.)    Onboarding: Once the right candidate is selected, they're integrated into your team, ready to contribute remotely. Despite the physical distance, these professionals work synchronously with your local team.

5.)    Continuous Support: Kadraa remains a partner throughout, offering ongoing support and advice to ensure the remote working relationship thrives, enabling your business to harness global talent effortlessly.

Why South Africa?

Because it makes sense! The talent is just as good as local but for half the cost. If you want more reasons: the time zone is ideal (Central European), English is the language, the culture is very similar to the UK & US, and education levels are amazing.

Who can we Find?

Our focus is digital marketing and tech - that's what we're best at. That said, our clients have asked for help on many different projects over the years and we now have a team dedicated to roles outside our regular remit.

Our rule of thumb: if they can work remotely we will find your person (and they will be glorious).

To see a breakdown of what we cover, just click the button below.

Download our full brochure running through FAQs and candidate price guides.

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